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Nutrition during pregnancy is an important issue that expectant mothers should pay attention to. While your baby is developing, the first goal is not to gain too much weight for you. Ideal weight gain during pregnancy varies according to body weight. It is normal for women with normal weight for height to gain 9-12 kg of weight during pregnancy. Weight gain should be between 14-18 kg in thin women and 7-8 kg in obese women. 17-22 kg weight gain is normal in twin pregnancies.

Each 3-month period separated for 9 months is called TRIMESTER.

1.Trimester (first 3 months); If you got pregnant when you were at your ideal weight, 1-2 kilograms (kg) weight gain is normal during this period.

2nd Trimester (second 3 months); During this period, the need for energy increases. 300 calories of additional energy should be taken daily. Because it is a period when the baby starts to grow and the appetite increases.

3.Trimester (Third 3 months);  Since it is the period in which the baby grows the fastest, weight gain continues. At the same time, problems such as swelling in the hands and feet, frequent urination and constipation can be seen. These problems can be solved with adequate and balanced nutrition.

requirements during pregnancy;

Proteins; It is necessary for the growth and development of the baby. Pregnant women need an average of 70-80 g of protein per day. If you consume 3-4 servings of milk, yogurt, cheese, meat, chicken or fish per day, you can easily meet this need.

Energy; For the healthy development of the baby, extra energy should be taken around 300 calories per day after the first 3 months.

Iron; An extra 20 mg should be taken during pregnancy. Iron-rich foods should be included in the nutrition program. Foods rich in iron; eggs, meat and its derivatives, dried fruits (such as raisins, prunes, dried apricots), dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, molasses. To ensure better iron absorption, foods containing vitamin C should be taken alongside these foods. Consumption of salad with meals, oranges Adding molasses to your water and consuming it increases the absorption of iron.

Calcium; It both helps the mother to protect the bone mass and develops the skeletal structure of the baby. The calcium requirement is about 1300 mg per day. Milk, yogurt, cheese, nuts, legumes, molasses and green leafy vegetables contain rich calcium. 1 glass of milk provides an average of 240 mg of calcium.

Folic acid; It is recommended to start using folic acid at least 1 month before becoming pregnant. .Folic acid containing foods; dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, meat, milk, yogurt, cauliflower, and cereals. Cooking method is very important. If wrong cooking methods are applied, the usefulness of folic acid is lost. Low birth weight infants with insufficient intake of folic acid  and the mother may develop magaloblastic anemia.

This; Take care to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day for your baby's increased blood volume and your own metabolic functions to work regularly.

Some discomforts can be seen during pregnancy. Some of them are;


In the first 3 months of pregnancy, nausea occurs due to hormonal changes due to the increase in estrogen. To reduce these nausea;

  • Do not get out of bed suddenly, try to get up slowly.

  • When you wake up, eat starchy foods such as boiled potatoes, crackers or plain toast.

  • Do not consume foods high in fat.

  • Eat little and often during the day, eat slowly while eating.

  • You can eat roasted chickpeas between meals to relieve your stomach.

  • Avoid food smells that make you nauseous.



Your bowel movements slow down due to hormonal changes due to pregnancy. In this case, it can cause constipation. Iron medications used can trigger constipation even more.


Try to consume foods with high fiber content. Prefer brown bread, at least a day  Take care to buy 5 portions of vegetables and fruits. Increase your fiber amount by choosing whole grain products.


Increase your water consumption. At least 10-12 glasses of water a day  consume.


Get regular physical activity to keep your bowel motility normal. Walking, swimming and light exercise are the best exercises to do during pregnancy.


You can consume foods that accelerate bowel movements such as prunes, dried figs, dried apricots.



The desire to overeat some foods during pregnancy is called craving. During this period, sometimes the expectant mother may need to consume non-nutrients instead of nutrients. The reason for this is due to malnutrition. You can protect yourself and your baby from nutrient deficiencies by trying to choose foods with higher nutritional value. .

Attention during pregnancy!!!

  • 2 per week  Take care to consume fish once, chicken once, legumes once, and red meat 3 times.

  • Take care not to consume alcohol.

  • Do not consume products containing sweeteners.

  • Make sure that salads, vegetables and fruits are well washed.

  • Make sure to eat freshly squeezed juices and freshly cooked vegetables.

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